Is Product Photography Central to Your Brand Strategy?

The visual content of a website is important in attracting people to it, and where ecommerce sites are concerned, product photography can be the decisive factor in whether they succeed or not.

As Manchester based specialists in branding and design, we know that different aspects of visual communication matter when it comes to your brand strategy, and this can include product photography.

Competing to Sell Online

It has never been easier to set up online to sell products. However, the fact that it is now pretty straightforward to start your own ecommerce business means that the competition is fierce.

Selling products online successfully means getting noticed and standing out from the competition.

Whatever product you are selling, the chances are high that there will be plenty of other sites out there selling something the same or similar.

Yes, ecommerce cuts costs which retailers can pass on to their customers, but then this is true of lots of them, so price may not be the main thing that will work in your favour.

Furthermore, many ecommerce sites are occupying a niche, selling products to a specific audience, where being a trusted brand will make a huge difference to attracting and retaining customers.

Consequently, what the product looks like online must be a vital part of your selling strategy.

If you want your ecommerce site to stand out, then your product photography, alongside your web design, must be good.

Where Will People See Your Products?

Product photography must have impact. Many people will see your products via a mobile device. Therefore, your images need to immediately stand out on a small screen, while often being viewed fleetingly.

Images must do much of your talking for you. Product descriptions and other details are, of course, important, but the visuals are the thing that will act to hook your audience’s attention.

Similarly, marketing on social media has a prominent visual element.

While platforms such as Instagram and Twitter offer some basic image enhancement, making your products grab people’s attention will be a challenge if you’re not starting from the position of having impactful product photography.

How your products look online is, essentially, an extension of your brand – if your products look cheap and the photography is poor, then people will assume your brand is similarly amateurish and possibly not trustworthy.

Think of product photography as part of how your brand voice communicates. It is integral to how prospective customers perceive you.

If your products are the life’s blood of your brand, then how you capture them visually should reflect this.

Integrated Design Solutions

Just as your product photography will work as an extension of your brand message, so it must also fit in with your overall image and brand identity.

It’s no use developing a website that has a particular look and appeal if the products you populate it with don’t match this imagery.

Effective ecommerce requires a high level of joined-up thinking when it comes to your brand strategy.

The best approach is to consider your product photography as a key component in your brand development and design.

Its style should underpin your message and your brand values.

Here at Corner House design, we provide integrated design solutions, which means that we can look at all aspects of your brand, from your identity to your website and, naturally, your product photography.

With our expert, in-house photography team, we can ensure your products look great and that how we capture them is fully in line with how your brand communicates to its target audience.

Give us a call on 0161 777 6000, or email


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